Another beautiful frosty morning. The sun shining over our heads and beckoning us to another day of exploits and successes. I read on Facebook yesterday a beautiful one-liner that says because the weather is cold does not mean our lives should be cold. What an inspiring sentence.
Sometimes we may be carried away with the climatic situation, cold, frosty, freezing and just play along. In this wise, we also submit our relationships to the dictates of the weather. It is a known fact that people in the Western World tend to stay away from church events during the winter period. We sometimes prefer the warmth of our beds to braving the cold and fellowship with brethren. That is adopting a cold relationship with God.
This time of the year is when neighbours barely see each other. When children stay away from the parks. It can be depressing though. But there are seasons to life. However to every cold situation, God always put a little warmth in it. Have you ever been through a day without a clear sky? Dark all through the day? I don’t think this is possible, no matter how bad the weather may be. This is how God does His things. He will always put something to warm us in our cold days.
Do you wonder why the sun is up on frosty days? To clear up the frost. It may still be cold, but the frost is “licked” up. If you liken this to life, you can take a lesson from it. No matter how dreary life is with you now, the good Lord has sent some people, some solutions your way to ease the pain as you go through. The onus is on us to identify what the solutions are and identify the people. Let’s stop moaning about the weather, rather we should look out for the sun in it.